
慌てて確認するとapt-lineにstableと記述してあるまま upgradeかけてしまい、元々etchだった環境がなんちゃってlennyになってしまったようだ。


DEBCONFsomethingDEBCONF found in exim configuration. This is most probably
caused by you upgrading to exim4 4.67-3 or later without accepting the
suggested conffile changes. Please read
/usr/share/doc/exim4-config/NEWS.Debian.gz for 4.67-2 and 4.67-4

Generation of the final exim configuration has changed. The
configuration no longer has the DEBCONFsomethingDEBCONF
placeholders. All data from Debconf are put into exim
configuration macros by update-exim4.conf, which are then
appropriately picked up by the configuration itself. There should
be no visible change to people who have not modified their
configuration, but customized configurations need to adapt.
これをいちいち対応するにはconfig fileを深く理解してないと無理と判断し、設定fileを退避しexim4一式をclean install -> 解決

次にmailmanのinstallerが、/var/lib/mailman/qfiles以下に残り物があるとinstall失敗するかもよ 的な警告を発する。

│ If these files correspond to shunted messages, you have to either delete │
│ them or unshunt them (with /var/lib/mailman/bin/unshunt). Shunted │
│ messages are messages on which Mailman has already abandoned any further │
│ processing because of an error condition, but that are kept for admin │
│ review. You can use /var/lib/mailman/bin/show_qfiles to examine the │
│ contents of the queues. │
そもそもunshuntが存在しないし、一式退避して前に進めようとするもcpが猛烈に遅く、こちらも思い切って失敗覚悟でinstall -> 問題なく成功
